I See

I See

“I See,” is born from a playful exploration of simple chords and intricate flows, this track embodies a fusion of creativity and complexity for me.

"I See" draws its inspiration from 2 Corinthians 5:7, reminding us to walk by faith, not by sight. With this guiding principle, the lyrics weave a tapestry of vision, love, and divine guidance, reflecting on life's profound mysteries.

As you delve into the verses of "I See," you'll encounter a vivid portrayal of faith in action. From the clarity of vision to the presence of angels and the abundance of blessings, the song paints a picture of spiritual enlightenment and divine revelation.

At its core, "I See" is a testament to the transformative power of faith. It's a reminder to trust in the unseen, to walk boldly in the assurance of God's grace, and to embrace each moment with gratitude and purpose.

So, as you listen to "I See," let its melodies and lyrics serve as a reminder to look beyond the surface, to perceive the beauty and wonder that surround us. After all, in a world filled with distractions, true vision lies in the depths of faith and the mysteries of the heart.

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